
Welcome Back to School! & sick for combating CCFR season

Cold, Covid, Flu, RSV season

August 30, 2024

It's that time of year when kids are back at school! But along with a new school year means, new germs.
Kids love to share...everything. These are fairly common knowledge, but we can all use gentle reminders as our minds are very full. 

Here are some tips to share so your kids don't bring home every cold, covid, flu and RSV:

1. Cough and sneeze like a vampire - into the crook of your arm. A tissue is the second best option. Try not to sneeze into your hand, because the next thing you usually touch is someone, or a handle/counter top.

2. Handwashing is very important. Before and after eating, after the bathroom and if you've been putting your hand in your nose or mouth. In a pinch, use hand sanitizer. (Which might also help keep their hands out of their mouth) 

3. Drink water

4. Get plenty of sleep

5. Get plenty of exercise. 

6. Don't kiss anyone's baby that isn't yours. 

If you or your little ones do end up sick, take care of yourself. Get plenty of fluids and sleep. Fluids and electrolytes are very important in helping your body recover. 

Our family has already been hit with Covid 19 this season and we are taking the last few days over Labor Day weekend to feel better. It's a tough strain.
Be well.